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"I have the strangest thoughts in my head, maybe I should not write them down." -- Erlend Loe

Inside Zachary's Mind

I wonder why Zachary whines. Or, why he starts screaming when there is no apparent reason. I am not talking about times when he is tired, or not feeling well. I am talking about 'incidents' in the middle of the walk, or in the middle of the game. It is easy to suggest that he doesn't like when his plans get interrupted. For example, he decided to push the stroller, here, right now, for a long time. And then I suggest to push the stroller to another location, for instance, towards a playground, or at least, straight down the street. Often, my suggestions do not work for him. Sometimes, he starts whining for no reason at all, as if some thoughts came to his mind and upset him. The only thing that calms his down is his soska.

Zachary like riding inside his yellow Tonka truck. The period of time when children fit inside their toy trucks lasts for a very short time. I wonder if one day Zac decides to sit down inside the truck... and won't fit in it? Or will he lose interest in it before this happens?

Gabi continues to grow longer and wider. He eats (drinks?) about 30oz of milk per day. Thta's a lot for such a tiny human being! I wonder how big he will be on his due date (August 27th).

Today, I put together our old (OK, not THAT old, considering Zachary is only 18 months old) play mat, and placed Gabi on it. Obviously, Gabi's toes do not reach the piano part yet, and he is not that interested in the hanging toys. But as he is growing so fast, he will start playing on the mat very, very soon!

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