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"I have the strangest thoughts in my head, maybe I should not write them down." -- Erlend Loe

Gabriel's First BBQ

After the morning bath, I decided not to put Aquaphor on Gabi's face. It is supposed to moisten skin, and it does, but it clogs pores. If it is as humid and hot outside as it is now, clogged pores create a noticeable discomfort. It is, of course, hard to say if such a young baby as Gabi feels the discomfort, but it seems like his skin looked much better today than yesterday. Red spots appeared less, and the face wasn't as shiny.

Today, Rabbi Uri, Leila and Noah came for a barbecue. They are originally from Argentina, but now they live here, not too far from us. Rabbi Uri works at our shul, and Leila is on maternity leave with 4 month old Noah. We had lunch outside. Gabriel behaved very well (slept and ate), and so did Zachary... at first. He was running around, played with a ball, jumped in a (baby) jumper and was entertaining himself with other activities. But towards the end of the BBQ, he got very tired. Probably, he overheated, or maybe he was overstimulated. He started crying hysterically, and it was impossible to calm him down. Rabbi Uri and Leila left, and Mike and I worked on settling Zachary. We managed to keep him in OK mood, but he wasn't himself all the way until bedtime.
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