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"I have the strangest thoughts in my head, maybe I should not write them down." -- Erlend Loe

Gabriel's Doctor Appointment

Yesterday, Gabriel had his doctor's appointment. Wow! He weights... 9 lb, he is 21 in in length, and his head in 2 cm larger! It looks like he grows 0.5cm a week, gains a pound a week, and his head grows 1 cm a week. He caught up in weight, a little behind in height, and everything else seems to be well. What a strong kid! We are so proud of him. 

Doctor gave him his first baby shots. Gabi was screaming his head off, but stopped as the shots were over. He fell asleep in the car going home, and he slept well. The weather was helping, as it was rainy and gray. 

In the evening, I gave him anti-gas drops. Either the drops helped, or it was a coincidence, but Gabi was sleeping well all night, waking up to eat a few times, but quickly falling back asleep.

He now really likes bathing! It looks like he understands the process and genuinely enjoys it... unless he is hungry. If he is hungry, he screams through the whole bathing process, and screams even louder while I am putting lotions on him. All he can think about it milk, milk, milk.

... He looks so funny after the bath! His hair is ling and very light, although much darker than Zachary's. If I don't brush his hair after the bath, it looks spiky and messy. And when he looks around with his big blue eyes, he looks like a baby bird. So cute!

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