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"I have the strangest thoughts in my head, maybe I should not write them down." -- Erlend Loe

Yaddo Gardens & Coxsackie: Catching Last Days of Summer

Have you read The Secret Garden by F. H. Burnett? I have a classic philological memory, which basically means that I cannot remember titles of books, names of authors, and even what a book was exactly about. Often, I even forget that I read a certain book. Sometimes, I remember that there used to be a book that I really enjoyed. I manage to find that book with the help of Google, I re-read it, I once again like it, and then I forget all about it. Again. So if you ask me: “Hey, Kat, no, I haven’t read The Secret Garden. Tell me about it!”, I would not be able to tell you about the book, or at least some segment of the book, that way you would expect me to. But I would probably tell you that throughout that book, a little girls’ curiosity turns her whole young world upside down. I can’t really tell you what happens to her as I do not really remember, but what I can tell you is that she is so curious that you are being as curious as she is. You are so curious, you draw pictures of a hidden garden in your head. You cannot see it yet, because there is a gate that’s locked, but you imagine wild rose bushes, giant trees and cracked statues… you imagine this garden so vividly that it stays in your memory as if you really saw it. And when you finally see it in real life, you exclaim: “This is it! This is the Secret Garden from that book I think I read once which name I do not remember!”

I saw my Secret Garden yesterday. For me, it started with the Gate. The gate was unlocked, but before you come in, through a delicate railing, you see those thousands of roses, and half working fountains, and narrow paths… but this time, I could actually take a walk inside the garden, and even take some photos:

Yesterday, Mike, Ralph and I drove to Saratoga Springs to visit Yaddo Gardens. The common area of the garden it quite small, a 20 minute walk, really, if you do not spend too much time taking pictures, and you don’t bring a picnic. The garden is probably most beautiful in May when all roses are in full bloom. But for me, the garden as we saw it was the Secret Garden from my memory.

After we saw Yaddo Gardens, we drove to Coxsackie. Coxsackie is a small town with an almost inappropriate sounding name, in addition to the name of a disease, is located right next to Catskill. Like many other towns in upstate New York, Coxsackie looks pretty much abandoned, with its “Our of Business” and “For Lease” signs in every second window shop. But it reality, there are certain local spots that are so picturesque and cozy that if you are lucky enough to find them, you would really fall in love with the place. We drove through narrow winding roads, passing early 1900’s looking streets, until we reached a lake. The sight of the lake came from nowhere, and the view was spectacular.

Me showcasing my 22 weeks of a baby belly. Excited to see the bump!

Fall is right around the corner. We are all ready for it, but it’s nice to catch these last warm summer days. I know I will miss them when cold comes.

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