Our mini-vacation is over, and Zachary is back to school today! This academic year, he was transferred from his original group to the next "grade." He used to be in Ms. Claudia's 1-2 y.o. class, and now he is in Ms. Vicki's 2-3 y.o. group. During the whole month of August, he was transitioning: Every day, he spent more and more time in Ms. Vicki's classroom, participating in all activities. Today, Mike and I both dropped him off at the new classroom. He was a bit confused, but did not show any sign of fear or sadness. He went to explore the classroom and play with other kids. Zachary (19 m.o.) is the youngest kid in his group, but he behaves well and is as clever and bright as his classmates. In this group, they do not give pacifiers to the kids (that is, Zac napped without soska today and fell asleep just fine); they do not use bibs (why??); they change their diapers while kids are standing up on the floor; every day, they go the gym and on walks; they no longer play nursery rhymes music; and best of all, they potty train them. I was lucky enough to demonstrate Ms. Vicki how Zac poops on the potty, and I hope he will no longer have accidents at school. They train them to pee on the potty as well, and I really need to work in parallel with them and do the same at home.
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