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"I have the strangest thoughts in my head, maybe I should not write them down." -- Erlend Loe

Zachary Alexander: Birth Story

So… I did it! I gave birth to my son! It happened a little over a week ago, on January 27th, at 12:01 PM. We are just settling down, and I finally have time to write down his birth story.

On Tuesday, January 26th, I went to my doctor to check on the baby. I did not feel any signs of labor, and I truly believed I still had at least a week before the little one was born. The doctor came and checked my cervix. (I swear he pushed a magic button!) He got so deep into me, I even asked him if he was about to pull the baby out of me right there. What I felt while he was checking my cervix was exactly what contractions feel like (now I know, haha). He said I was spotting and was 1 cm dilated, so we were making progress. It was all good news, and I left to go to my second NST appointment. The NST appointment went well – I felt like it went even better than the last time. The doctor there told me everything looked perfect, and they let me go home. Oh! Also, they printed a 3D picture of my son. I always thought babies look different in 3D photos comparing to how they look when they are born. But come on!.. :-D  

At home, in the evening, at around 7 PM, I started feeling contractions. As nobody really tells you what contractions really are, I only assumed (hoped?) that was it. I felt light menstrual pain that came and went. The contractions were really far apart, I would say, there were 20-25 minutes between them. We finished evening like we usually do: Had light dinner, watched a show, then I did some computer work (OK, shopping, haha), and finally, we went for a walk with Ralphie. I continued having this occasional pain, but it didn’t increase, or came closer together, so I kind of lost hope these were the contractions.

We went to sleep at around 10:30, and at around 11, I was awoken by strong pain. That definitely felt like I was in labor! The pain lasted for about a minute, and was gone. I fell back asleep, but woke up in 10-15 minutes because another contraction came. By midnight, I was no longer able to stay in bed, and I told Mike I was having real contractions, and it was time to start timing. At around 2 AM on Wednesday, my contractions were 4 minutes apart and lasted for approx. 60-90 seconds. Mike called the doctor, and he told us to go to the hospital. Mike took my bag, and we slowly went to the car. It was a short 20 minute ride to the hospital, and I had 2 or 3 contractions on the way. We arrived to LIJ, filled out all the paperwork (that was fun! I am sitting there having contraction after contraction, and the lady keeps asking me “have you been here before?”, “why are you here?” and other standard questions. My doctor warned me about this part, so I was frustrated and amused at the same time), and had to wait for another half an hour until we were admitted to the exam room. In the exam room, I changed into a hospital gown and laid in bed. I also started bleeding, and I had to use the pad they gave me, which was bulky and uncomfortable. Lying down was much more painful than sitting or walking, and I think I even screamed at some point. I also threw up. A LOT! At that point, I drank probably a gallon of water (try breathing for 4 hours like you have just finished a race! It makes you really thirsty), and it all came out. All of it! I mean, it was a lot of throw up. Anyway, finally, a doctor came in and examed me. She said I was 5 cm dilated, and was going to have a baby today. It sounded surreal. I looked at the clock – it was about 4:30 in the morning, and I happily assumed, with such an incredible progress, I would give birth by 8, latest 9 in the morning. They moved me to the maternity ward, and hooked me up to the IV. I requested no epidural. From 5 AM to 7 AM I was having regular contractions, but my water hadn’t broken. I also did not dilate a cm more. By 7 AM I was so tired, that when they told me I stopped making progress, honestly, I felt quite desperate. They also told me, they cannot break my water until 9:45 AM: My strep test was positive and they required 2 doses of antibiotics before they could break my water, to avoid an infection. The first dose was given to me at around 6 AM, and the second dose wasn’t coming for another 2 hours. The two hours went pretty quickly. I was falling asleep between contractions. I also threw up a couple of times. Finally, at 10, they gave me the second dose of antibiotics and broke my water. I flipped to my left side. Immediately, contractions started to get stronger and came more often. By 11, I was 10 cm dilated and ready to push. A doctor came in, and the active labor started. My son was born on Wednesday, January 27th, at 12:01 PM, weighing 7lb 3oz, and measuring 20.50in long.

They did have to stitch me up, which took another half an hour.  

These were the facts. Now a little about the emotional side.

My decision to give birth without any meds was firm, unless my or my child’s medical condition required otherwise. There is something about natural birth that always attracted me. I am not afraid of pain, especially knowing that so many women went through it, and did just fine. Contractions were painful, but manageable. The fact that they only last a minute really helped. Having contractions is similar to menstrual pain, but “concentrated.” At first, you realize the pain is coming, and you start breathing fast. Then, the pain comes, and lasts for about 30 seconds. It’s important from the beginning to find the most comfortable position. It is true that it hurts less if you are comfortable. As contractions got closer together, my mind turned off. I was no longer able to concentrate on the pain, and I just lived through it. Somehow I also realized that I will meet my baby very soon, and I as if rushed the next contraction. The worst part of the labor was that moment when I realized that I needed to push. It was such a strange, new sensation that I did not know how to react to it. I can’t even say it was painful, it was just… really strange. It’s like that emotion you feel when you are about to throw up. You know it’s a relief, but you do not want to do it. Your body tells you it’s time, and you do not know how to help it. I had three contractions that ended with the desire to push, and it was the hardest part of the labor. And finally, they set me up on the table preparing for labor. They told me how to breath, and the doctor told me to push. He put his fingers into the birth canal, and told me to push his fingers out. It didn’t hurt to push – especially after such painful contractions. I gathered all the remaining energy and I pushed. I pushed for ten seconds – all nurses were counting out loud; then, I took a deep breath of two, and I pushed for another ten seconds. Then one more time, and if I still could, one more. Then I rested for a minute. And then I pushed again. My body told me when to push, and the doctor guided me, too. Finally, it turns out, I did it! I really did not feel how the baby was coming out. All I felt was the desire to push. And then after another push, it was over! They quickly put a cloth on my belly, and tossed the baby on the cloth. They wiped him, and cut the cord. And then I heard his cry! And all I could think about was, thank God!

And then it was over. In my case, they had to put in quite a lot of stitches, and because I did not have any anesthesia, it did hurt quite a bit. But all the labor pain was gone. Right away, I started to breath normally, and my mind turned back on, I was alert and I couldn’t wait to hold my baby. That moment when I held him for the first time was unforgettable. My son was so alert, too. He didn’t cry, and he didn’t sleep. He was looking at me and at my husband with his big blue eyes. My maternal instinct to take care of him turned on immediately, but the realization that I am, in fact, his mother, is just starting to come upon me.

Will I shoot for giving birth naturally if I am blessed to have another child? Absolutely. “I am not afraid. I was born to do it.”                 

The Day after the Snowstorm

Sunday, and still no baby!.. I am doing everything I think should stimulate the labor: Mike and I started to have sex again (nice!!); today, I shoveled and dug both of our cars out; I walked in tall snow (it’s harder than walking up and down stairs, by the way)… But I feel like the more active I am, the more comfortable the baby is. I have a feeling that on Tuesday, after my NST appointment, the doctor will send me to be induced. Ugh. Tomorrow, I am going to work. And it might be my last day at the office for a while.

I woke up pretty early today. I opened my eyes at around 6, but stayed in bed until 7. I think this whole baby being late thing is making me anxious. Mostly because I know that if he is still not here within just another 2-4 days, they will schedule an induction. Also, Ralph was at the daycare since Friday, and from what I saw on the webcam, he didn’t look too happy. I couldn’t wait to pick him up today! By 9 AM Mike and I were ready to go outside and dig the cars out, and by 10 AM Mike left to pick Ralphie up. As soon as they both arrived home safely, I felt so much better and happier! We went on a really fun walk. Today’s weather was a classic weather after the storm: Sunny, frosty and just beautiful. Ralph enjoyed the snow, and so did I and Mike. There is something about this classic winter!

'You Can't Wait for Inspiration. You Have to Go after It with a Club.' -- Jack London

I cannot believe how stormy it is outside! When it rains, it pours. Meaning, when it snows, it buries. Perfect day to start writing again.

I am 40 weeks and 2 days pregnant today. Of course, I was hoping that by this time, we will already have our son born and at home. However, it looks like he decided to stay put for a while longer. I do not have any signs of labor, and I do not think he will be born let’s say, today, or even tomorrow. Although, like everything else, it will happen when you are least expecting it to happen.

At the same time, I am still hoping that I will have a natural birth without any meds. Yesterday, I had an NST test done, and the doctor almost sent me to the hospital to be induced that same day! He ended up letting me go, but while I was lying there, preparing to be sent to the hospital to have the baby yesterday, a million thoughts ran through my head. I was really surprised and disappointed in myself to realize that I was upset about things going not was way I wanted them to go. I cannot believe that after all I’ve been through, I still get frustrated if things are not going according to my “master-plan.” The only reason why I did not want to be sent to the hospital yesterday was the induction part: Induction means Pitocin; Pitocin means that I will not have a natural labor. My body will be rejecting the hormone since it’s not ready to give birth yet, so I will have a long, long labor. I will be hooked to a monitor for hours and hours, from the beginning to end, will be forced to stay in bed, and finally, I don’t think that I will be able to handle pain for such a long time confined in bed, and I will have to request an epidural. Basically, a complete opposite to the birth I imaged. Which is fine! And I thought I was ready for this kind of labor too, even a c-section if necessary, as long as my son is born healthy. Turns out, I wasn’t ready at all. I was trying to work on my state of mind while I was waiting for the doctor’s final decision, but I don’t think I was able to stop opposing the possible unnatural birth. My next appointment is on Tuesday, and by that time, I am truly hoping I will be ready to go to the hospital that same day and do whatever has to be done.

Lazy Saturday. It's snowing! Missing Ralphie, who is at the daycare until tomorrow (in case I go into labor). I look tired, but the truth is, simply no make up. Sad, but true!.. 

(Well, what I truly hoping for is that the baby will decide to show up on his own before this appointment!! Haha. I am terrible. I will accept things the way they are. Really.)

Meanwhile, here is the baby’s nursery:

And here is a picture of my growing belly:

I actually think my belly looks bigger in person, but maybe that’s just how I feel it. As of yesterday, his weight was about 7.2 lb, so the size of the belly really has nothing to do with the size of the baby.